2011 Extra Results

The official AMazeBot results were decided by the 5 rounds run during the show. These were the 4 randomly generated mazes plus the custom maze. This is enough to get a fair idea of the relative performance of the bots, but there is still some chance and luck involved. And this is fine, we want there to be some uncertainty to add excitment.

But it's also important for students to have solid measurements of their bot's performance. The devkit provides a means for testing against thousands of generated mazes, but we don't yet have a lot of custom mazes to test with.

For this reason we asked all competitors to submit a custom maze of their own design. The only stipulations were that the recharger be in an accessible cell, and that their own bot be able to solve their maze. We received 7 mazes along with the the 10 student entries, plus 1 maze from a non-competitor. We ran all bots on all these mazes and have compiled the results here.

Not only is this information useful in helping students identify where they can improve their bots, it's also fun to see who can create the most challenging (yet still solvable!) maze.

You can download all of these custom mazes here. The filenames in the package indicate who created each maze, which is not shown in the table below.

Bot Solved Total AM9_002 AM9_004 AM9_012 AM9_015 AM9_017 AM9_019 AM9_021 NC_001
Electric Tortoise 8 55.2% 79.5% 48.4% recharged96.8% recharged62.6% 60.9% recharged55.4% recharged26.2% recharged12.1%
abortRetryFail 8 54.8% recharged82.4% 36.9% recharged97.6% recharged42.1% 62.2% recharged52.8% recharged23.0% recharged41.1%
Exhaustucrasher 8 47.1% 78.9% 51.2% 33.3% 42.9% 75.1% 40.1% 16.9% 38.5%
X-Terminate 8 39.2% 79.5% 41.9% 60.6% 11.0% 74.5% 33.8% 9.2% 3.0%
Zapp Brannigan 5 20.7% 52.1% 50.4% Exhausted Exhausted 28.6% 26.5% Exhausted 8.3%
WeBrake4No1 5 16.8% Exhausted 28.1% 17.6% 32.2% Exhausted 15.8% Exhausted 40.7%
pathfinder 4 23.4% 45.3% recharged47.0% recharged89.6% Exhausted Exhausted Exhausted 5.0% Exhausted
Patrick 4 19.3% 60.2% 56.4% Exhausted Exhausted 24.6% 13.5% Exhausted Exhausted
KingDwight 3 21.2% Exhausted 59.5% 76.5% Exhausted 33.4% Exhausted Exhausted Exhausted
Robotnik 3 18.8% 45.6% 26.7% 78.4% Exhausted Exhausted Exhausted Exhausted Exhausted
Mary Poppins 3 17.3% 59.6% Exhausted rechargedExhausted rechargedExhausted 54.9% recharged24.0% rechargedExhausted rechargedExhausted
R2K11 3 17.2% Exhausted 42.5% Exhausted Exhausted Exhausted 25.1% 69.6% Exhausted
Loonba 2 1.9% Exhausted Exhausted 14.5% Exhausted 1.0% Exhausted Exhausted Exhausted
Maze statistics:
Solved: 9 11 9 5 9 9 6 6
Recharges: 1 1 4 3 0 3 3 3
Average: 44.8% 37.6% 43.5% 14.7% 31.9% 22.1% 11.5% 11.1%